Moonchild Productions برنامه ها

Pale Moon web browser 25.9.6
Moonchild Productions
Pale Moon for Android (PM4A) isawebbrowserbased on Mozilla Community code andtheGeckorenderingengine.Pale Moon has seen several years of development on desktopandaimstoprovide a similar experience on mobile devicesandtabletsthroughPale Moon for Android.Pale Moon for Android is in no way affiliatedwiththeMozillaCorporation and follows its own independentdevelopmentandreleaseschedule.Pale Moon for Android is also independent ofitsdesktopcounterpart,and essentially a differentapplication.Althoughsynchronizing databetween the two is possible,Pale MoonforAndroid will not be ableto use desktop extensions, andtheotherway around -- those have tobe created specificallyforthisbrowser.Please see the relevant posts on the Pale Moonforumforspecificdetails about the changes and fixes in thisversion.Please note that Pale Moon forAndroid'sdevelopmentbeyondmaintenance has currently been halted dueto lackofsufficientdevelopment resources (manpower/expertise)tomaintaindevelopmentfor the fast-moving target that is theAndroidOS. Ifyou wish tohelp out and are adept at C/C++/JavaandAndroidprogramming, we'dlove to hear from you on the PaleMoonforum!